As some of you may be aware, these last few months have involved some big changes which have kept me away from the blog. The biggest one was a recent move into a new apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. I’ll spare those of you that haven’t heard this sob story from the details, but out of all this chaos with finding a new apartment came 1 really great thing – an actual oven:
I know it may seem petty --- to get so excited about finally having an oven, but after living in NYC your expectations for any kind of common amenities are pretty low. Finally -- an oven to bake more than 6 cookies at a time in, an oven that will fit a full cupcake pan without burning the tops and leaving the middles unbaked, and oven that will fulfill all my baking hopes and dreams…
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been putting a lot of thought into what will become of the blog. Obviously the name will have to change since I no longer live in Alphabet City. That seems like a pretty easy one though… just think of a cute little title and slap it on the homepage. But what will the content be? Without the convection oven, I’m just baking like a regular poor person. Oh sorry – person on a “budget” (of $0).
So here we are folks. The trusty Big-Lots blender is still kicking, but after only 3 posts we’re back to square one. Should I just scrap it and start over with a new theme like “healthy baking”? Should I keep on with the overly-used approach of budget baking with a catchy title to set it apart? Suggestions are welcome and baked temptations will be on the way in the next few weeks!